"Trapped in Poverty" started in February 2019 as an academic exercise in investigative, local, data-based journalism. The team was motivated by the increasing levels of visible rough sleeping in Cardiff, as well as other cities in the UK. The project aims to study the causes and effects of long-term poverty in the greater Cardiff region.
The project also aims to shine a light not only on the acute problem of rough sleeping, and the problems associated with long term poverty, but highlight the positive actions, and schemes devised by a local community galvanised to act where government policy has failed.
What is the project?
The project is the result of a 12 week long investigation based in the South Wales area. To explore our findings, please click on the links on the left. Each section contains a story focusing on areas identified by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation as being contributing factors towards poverty. There is also a data repository, a collection of findings that will be linked to upcoming profiles.
At this stage the project is currently accepting "Profiles" of Cardiff residents, aiming to link them to the data releases and Foi's gained by the team so users can directly bespoke stories of local issues that affected their peers, if not themselves.